Friday, June 18, 2010

Chili Cook-off results

Well as predicted, a good time was had by all.  This year there were only 16 chefs.  I have become friendly with two of the other chefs of the competition as we have all competed for the past 6 years together.  We all said that this year, the promotion and organization left much to be desired. I actually had to hunt down the person who ran it last year so they could give me the info for who was running it this year.  Everyone said it was really poorly run this year.

As I said, it was a fun time.  They actually had burners set up this time so that we can keep the chili warm instead of the double boilers from the past few years.

Since the weather was a tad overcast the crowd was smaller as well.  But the usual faces showed up and everyone was in Chili Heaven.

The first year I participated, there were three judges who would give a first, second and third place finish.  There was also a peoples Choice award.  That year, my friend Chris who you see two photos up, took second place and I took Third.  I also took Peoples choice that year.  After that year, they switched it over to a people's choice only with a first, second and third place based on votes from the patrons.  Last year I took second place.  It was also coincidentally the year that most of my family and friends came around.  Coincidence that I took second place?  I don't think so.

When I was standing there serving, I saw many people make a b line to this years winner.  I would say, hey your passing right by me.  They would say, they will be back as they want to say hello to someone.

Personally I thought I had the best chili I have ever made.  I changed up the cut of meat as well as added bacon fat to sauté the onions in.  It was really great.  But in the end, I didn't have many friends there and it showed in the awards.  I don't know what place I came in but it wasn't first second or third.  I spoke to Chris and he agreed that we need some sort of unbaised judge to come to do the judgeing rather than it being a popularity contest.

I don't want to come off as being bitter here. The winner's chili was very tasty and real unique.  But everyone that tried mine said I stood out from the others because my chili had chunks of meat rather than ground beef.  That was a comment that was said by most.  Most people would go for a piece of meat rather than ground beef.   I know many times you just want a burger, but given an opportunity to have a steak or a burger, most people would go for the steak.

It was again a fun day and I really love talking to people and see the great reaction they get when they eat what I have made.  it's one of the things that keeps me cooking.

Plus I had my boys help me.

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