Monday, April 12, 2010

Matzo Brie (pronounced Bri) gives me a true Salt test

So it's a week after the Passover Holiday and I had no dinner.  I was thinking omelet but then I remembered over the past holiday I had no Matzo Brie.   But what is Matzo Brie you say.  I'm glad you asked.

You start off with a bunch of sheets or squares of Matzo and crush them in a bowl.  Wet down the crushed bits with water till they are soft but not a bit of mush.  Take some eggs and scramble them in a bowl then mix it in with the bowl of Matzo.  In case you need specifics, I used 4 sheets of Matzo and 3 eggs.   I was hungry back off.  Now the bit issue here for me personally is salt.  I have been trying and succeeding to cut down my salt intake.  I have pretty much cut it out completely in my cooking.  Usually I add a a bunch of salt to the mixture and then it goes in a hot pan but this time, just a little salt. (back off Roger, just back off, it was a little)  Then it goes into the pan and you cook it up like you would Scrambled Eggs.  

You know when it is done when you know scrambled eggs are done.  I like mine on the more well done side.  In the past I would actually add more salt to the dish so the flavor was well salty.  Many people add syrup to the top like they would to pancakes or waffles.  I'm not a syrup guy so I never have it that way.

So if you want to try something different, give Matzo Brie a Try.  ( I didn't plan the pun)

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